Alberta Traffic Safety Act Fines and Demerits

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Aware of the traffic rules? Then you need to become familiar with the consequence of breaking them. That includes fines and demerits points.

In Alberta, there are over 112,000 car accidents annually, resulting in over 27,000 injuries and 400 fatalities. These deaths and injuries cost Albertans $4 billion in monetary losses and have significant personal, economic, and community consequences.

And the most unsettling news is these accidents are avoidable, and that’s why government introduces the Alberta traffic safety act. Let’s get complete information on the Alberta traffic safety act fines and demerits.

Alberta Traffic Safety Act Fines and Demerits

According to the act, if you are found guilty of breaching a particular traffic law, demerit points will be added to your driving record. Moreover, you will be fined and even may get a prison sentence.

Learn more about the traffic safety act in the next section.

What is Alberta’s Traffic Safety Act?

The Alberta Traffic Safety Act is designed to increase roadway safety in the province. All publicly accessible streets, roads, walkways, and bridges are also included in this.

The Alberta government intends to establish correct driving behaviour by imposing this act. In addition, they are using a combination of fines and demerits as a form of punishment for drivers so people drive safely on the roads.

Additionally, this act is essential for frequently tackling offenders who overlook traffic regulations. And the offender’s license can be suspended after they obtain a certain number of demerit points.

The punishment for an offence is typically not just a fee or demerit. In other words, other legal actions will be taken against you depending on how severe the violation is.

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What is the Demerit Point System in Alberta?

Each traffic violation you’re found guilty of in Alberta carries a penalty. One of these types of penalty is a demerit point that will be added to your driving record.

As the Motor Vehicle Administration Act dictates, demerit points will be tacked onto your driving records. Furthermore, you can suspend your license if you accumulate too many demerit points.

However, that decision depends on Alberta’s Driver Control Board. They can do it anytime they think it’s appropriate. Usually, they will send you a 10-day notice of the hearing will be given to you before your license is suspended.

If you want, you can be present in the hearing accompanied by a lawyer or without a lawyer. The board reviews everything regarding you, including your attitude towards driving, driving records, and driving skills, to take the final decision.

What are the Demerit Points and Fines According to the Offences?

You might be wondering, how many demerit points are in Alberta? Or how many demerit points for speeding in Alberta? These are the most asked questions. You will get an answer to these queries along with the entire Alberta demerit points list in the following section.

There’s a range of 2 to 7 demerit points. And the higher demerit points are given for more serious violations.

To know Alberta traffic safety act fines and see demerit points Alberta list, check the following information.

7 Demerit Points

  • Leaving the accident site; as high as $2000 fines

6 Demerit Points

  • Exceeding speeding limit by 30km/hr (Highest 50km/hr); $650-$2000 fines
  • Negligent driving
  • Racing

5 Demerit Points

  • Not stopping and giving information to a police officer
  • Ignoring an unregulated railway crossing
  • Not stopping for a vehicle containing: flammable liquids, gas, or explosive

4 Demerit points

  • Exceeding speeding limit by 30km/hr (Highest 50km/hr); $234 to $474 fines
  • Targeting
  • Not stopping for a school bus
  • Refusing to move over for pedestrians/other vehicles

3 Demerit points

  • Exceeding the speed limit by 15km/hr (Highest 30 km/hr); $140 to $239 fines
  • Passing a vehicle while in a crosswalk for pedestrians, near a playground, or close to a school.
  • Taking a road or highway’s wrong side
  • Not making a turn for the right-hand car
  • Blocking the passage of vehicles
  • Turning left even if it is risky
  • Entering a driveway or highway without first stopping
  • Disregarding a pedestrian’s right-of-way
  • Ignoring road indicators, such as yield/stop signs, red lights, or moving ahead before it is secure.
  • Ignoring red and yellow, as well as flashing lights, traffic signals
  • Highway stunting
  • Not filing an accident report
  • Obstructing a moving car

2 Demerit points

  • Exceeding the speed limit by 1km/hr (Highest 15 km/hr)
  • Failure to follow traffic regulations
  • Taking up two lanes and driving in the wrong lane of the road
  • Obstructing traffic
  • Using a solid line
  • Improperly signalling a lane change or unsafe lane changes
  • Wrong turns
  • Unauthorized U-turns
  • Risky lane change
  • Not indicating
  • Disregarding traffic control devices

However, the demerit points disappear two years after the conviction. So, drivers have time to improve their driving practices and lessen the likelihood that their licenses will be suspended.

Check More: Failing to Remain at the Scene of a Collision in Alberta

What are the Consequences of Accumulating Demerit Points?

The pile-up of the demerit points will have different impacts. Take a look at the following points to get an idea.

  • If you hold a Graduated Driver License (GDL), getting 8 demerit points will lead to automatic license suspension.
  • After suspension, you can still have 7 demerits points, which will be on your driving record for 2 years.
  • After the completion of the suspension, you will still have 3 points. That’ll show up for 2 years.

Other than these—

  • Your license will be cancelled for 30 days if you get 15 demerit points in 2 years.
  • You will lose your license for three months if you receive 15 demerit points twice in 2 years.
  • If you receive 15 demerit points 3 times in 2 years, your license is suspended for 6 months.

Once your suspension order is issued, there will be requirements that you must fulfill before you can restore your license. Also, before you get the license back, you will need to pay a particular amount of fine.

Is It Possible to Reduce Demerit Points?

You can reduce the demerit points by completing a government-approved defensive driving course after you obtain 14 demerit points on your license. However, you need to obtain an 80% score or above to get the certificate for the exam. Submit it to the local registry you get 3 demerit points reduced. You can do this once every two years.

If you have more than 15 demerit points, you lose the legibility for the demerit points reduction. And if you want to defend yourself from the demerit points, you can appeal to the court to review your case.

How to Check Demerit Points in Alberta?

The nearby Alberta Registry Private Service Center can tell you how many demerits points you currently have against your license. There you will need to collect a driver abstract/record. A driver’s abstract typically costs $25.

How Do You Get Your Driving License Back?

Your license will be restored when you have 7 or fewer demerit points. Other than that, you can take the defensive driving course. Then, you sit for an exam to obtain a certificate and secure 80% or more marks to get your driving license back.

Final Notes

So, you can see that the fines and demerits points vary depending on factors like license types and offence. We hope this comprehensive discussion helped you understand how the Alberta Traffic Safety Act works.

Still, if you have any questions, we can assist you in understanding the specifics of the Traffic Safety Act and your rights and obligations as a driver. Get in touch with us immediately if you need any legal assistance.


If you need further information regarding the Alberta traffic violation code, look at the following questions.

Do demerits affect insurance in Alberta?

It can affect your insurance sometimes. Generally, insurance rates increase depending on the number of tickets you receive over 3 years and the specific offence you committed violating traffic rules. There are different kinds of Alberta traffic tickets. More demerit points mean you are paying for more tickets. On the other hand, sometimes, a few tickets don't have any demerit points, and it can still increase your insurance premium.

How many demerits do you get for running a red light in Alberta?

You get 3 demerit points for ignoring stop signs. Red light is one form of stop-sign. You'll receive 3 demerit points on your driving record if you disobey the signal.

How long do demerits last in Alberta?

The demerit points will be present in your driving records for 2 years from the day of your conviction. You can check the details of your demerit points in your driving record. For that, you need to visit the nearby Alberta Registry Private Service Center. However, your demerit points may reduce depending on several factors.

When do demerit points get deducted?

If your demerit points are lower than 15, your points can reduce. There are driving courses and test you need to undergo if you obtain 15 or more demerit points. Upon passing the test, there will be a deduction of 3 demerit points.

How many demerits points lead to driving license suspension?

If you have 15 demerit points for the second time, your driving license will be suspended for 30 days to 2 years. On the other hand, having a Graduated Driving License (GDL), you get your license suspended if you get 8 demerit points.

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