Motor Vehicle Accidents Lawyers of Edmonton

Injury Lawyer of Edmonton > Personal Injury > Motor Vehicle Accidents Lawyers of Edmonton

Most drivers will get into an accident every 17 years. For most people, these accidents will be minor, resulting in a little bit of damage to the car and a little more.

Some, however, will have to deal with massive, life-changing injuries that can impact how they work, play, and live for the rest of their lives. When someone else’s negligence causes severe injuries, it’s wise to consider calling in a personal injury lawyer.

Launching a personal injury claim can:

  • Ensure you get enough money to pay for medical bills that Medicare won’t cover, such as physical therapy bills, dental bills, and psychology or counseling bills.
  • Get money for lost wages and loss of earning capacity.
  • Receive compensation for your pain and suffering.
  • Help you pay for services which you may need to replace, such as housekeeping, because you can no longer do them on your own.

In short, we can help you get the money you need to get back on your feet again.

What to Do After an Auto Accident

The steps you take directly after your accident can make a big difference in the strength of your case.

First, if you can, get yourself and your car to safety, and then call the police. You should also try to exchange insurance information with the driver. Be careful what you say! Saying things that indicate you’re accepting responsibility for the accident can be used against you later.

If you can, you should also get the names and contact information of any witnesses. It’s also a good idea to take photographs.

Don’t do anything which threatens to make your injuries worse. Getting medical care should be your primary priority. Avoid saying things like, “I’m okay,” even if you feel fine. Adrenaline can mask your injuries. Instead, follow all medical instructions.

As soon as you’re medically able to do so, get a lawyer! Ideally, you’ll get one before you even start talking to insurance companies. When you have a lawyer on your side you can get us to file those claims for you, ensuring you don’t make any mistakes they can exploit.

If your case is a little older, or you think you may have made some mistakes, that’s okay. As long as you’re within the statute of limitations we may still be able to help you. We’ve also helped many clients who were too hurt or unconscious after their accidents to do anything other than receiving medical attention. Calling a lawyer is the most important step you can take.

How to Start Your Personal Injury Case

You don’t have to put any money down, and you don’t have to worry about paying a high hourly rate. We work on contingency, which means we don’t get paid until you do.

Just call (780) 413-9777  to schedule your appointment today. You’ll be matched with an experienced motor vehicle accidents lawyers of Edmonton, who will answer all of your questions and help you determine your next steps. We’re here to help!

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